Dedicated Bike Accident Attorney for Midland, TX Residents

Experienced Bike Riding Personal Injury Lawyer for Midland

Bike Accident Attorney for Midland, TX

Midland cyclists should not have to suffer in silence after another person or party causes a painful accident.  If you even slightly suspect a driver, pedestrian, fellow bicyclist, government or other party played a role in your bicycling accident in Midland, do not pull yourself up by your bootstraps and attempt to move forward without financial compensation.  You need and deserve financial compensation to right this wrong.  Bill Shirer, Esq. Cyclist at Law, is here to help you obtain that financial compensation.

Let Bill represent you in your push for justice and you will maximize your chances of obtaining the money you need to pay for medical bills, account for lost wages, address your pain and suffering and buy a new bike.  Bill has spent decades in the personal injury field, representing Midland bicyclists and others who have been harmed by others’ negligence.

Bill Shirer takes pride in representing Midland cyclists as he is a bicyclist himself.  Bill spends his free time bicycling throughout Midland and the rest of Texas.  If you suffer an injury during a bike ride, contact emergency medical care providers then reach out to Bill for legal assistance.  Our Cyclist at Law is board-certified to practice Texas personal injury trial law.  All in all, Bill has three decades of experience in this practice area.  Whether you are involved in a major or minor bicycling accident, Bill will fiercely advocate on your behalf to obtain the financial compensation you need to bounce back from this unfortunate incident.

Determining Liability for a Bicycle Accident

Legal liability for bicycling accidents is not always crystal clear as there are plenty of factors in play.  However, in most instances, it is the driver who is determined to be legally liable for the accident.  Bill Shirer is here to review the facts of your unique bicycling accident case to determine if one or several other parties might be negligent.  Every Midland bicyclist should be aware that motorists who share the road with bikers owe those vulnerable individuals a duty of care.  If this duty of care is not fulfilled, Bill will pounce to prove driver negligence.  In plain terms, negligence is another party’s failure to provide a bicyclist or other party with the required level of care.

Midland bicyclists should also be aware of the fact that there is the potential for legal liability for a cycling accident to apply to several parties.  As an example, it might be determined that you, the cyclist, are partially at fault for the accident yet a driver or another party is primarily responsible for the accident.  In such a situation, it is still possible to obtain significant financial compensation.  What matters most is that you select the right attorney to represent you in and out of a court of law.  Bill Shirer has successfully represented Midland bicyclists involved in accidents as well as others throughout Texas.

Lean on Bill for legal representation and he will do everything within the confines of the law to obtain the financial compensation you need to pay for medical bills and cover other costs incurred as a result of the collision.  The money obtained through a personal injury lawsuit will also be applicable to your unique level of pain, suffering and incapacitation.  If you lost time at work or suffered diminished working capacity as a result of the accident, Bill will push for financial compensation to offset those losses.  Every injured Midland bicyclist should be aware of the fact that insurance providers and opposing counsel sometimes float out substantial settlement offers as soon as injured parties obtain legal representation.

A single letter from our office featuring Bill Shirer Esq.’s signature might trigger a substantial settlement offer.  Even if the opposition does not make a settlement offer in a reasonable amount of time, Bill will embrace the opportunity to represent you in a court of law.

Cyclist Laws in Midland, TX

Midland has more than 46 miles of bicycle routes.  Just under two miles of these paths are considered to be “stand-alone paths” for cyclists.  However, there are some rules pertaining to how bicycles are to be operated in the city’s limits.

Midland bicyclists cannot connect/attach to vehicles in any way.  Nor can Midland cyclists carry packages that preclude him or her from keeping a hand on the handlebars.  Furthermore, Midland bicyclists cannot position their bicycle on a curb, sidewalk or street in a manner that obstructs pedestrian or vehicle traffic.  Local bicyclists are barred from riding on sidewalks in business districts.

Individuals age 12 and up cannot ride a bike on any sidewalk in any of the local districts.  Midland TX also disallows riding on any segment of the Big Spring Street underpass.  A light must be added to the front of a bicycle when the rider is on the streets at night.  This light must be visible from a distance of 500 feet.  A red reflector right must be added to the back of the bike that is visible from 50 feet to 300 feet.

Car Driver’s Rights and Responsibilities to Cyclists

Automobile operators are required to provide Midland bicyclists with due care.  The failure to uphold this duty of care constitutes negligence.  Bill Shirer is here to prove a driver or other party acted negligently and ultimately caused or contributed to your accident.  As long as your case has solid legal footing to prove such negligence occurred, Bill will embrace the challenge of proving that negligence in a court of law to right this wrong.  Motorists in Midland and the rest of Texas are legally required to share the roads with bicyclists.  A driver who passes a cyclist without waiting until it is safe to perform such a maneuver and a driver who tailgates bicyclists can be found guilty of negligence.

Drivers are required to leave at least three feet of space between their automobiles and bike riders at all times.  Automobile operators are also required to exercise due care in the context of opening doors.  A driver who opens his or her door after parking without looking for bicyclists can be found guilty of negligence.  A negligent driver will be on the hook for financial compensation paid to the injured bicyclist either in the form of a court award or a settlement.

Cyclists’ Rights and Responsibilities

Bicycle riders also have responsibilities to motorists, pedestrians and other bicycle riders.  Bicyclists are required to share the road, riding to the right side of the curb.  Midland, Texas bike riders are not permitted to use their bicycles on state highways.  Though Midland, TX bicyclists can ride along local sidewalks, they must accommodate pedestrians and other cyclists in those spaces.

If a bicyclist interferes with pedestrians or other bicyclists on sidewalks and that interference results in an injury, there is the potential for him or her to be found guilty of negligence.  Every Midland, Texas bicyclist should know he or she is required to verbalize his/her presence to pedestrians when in their vicinity.  Such a notification is to be made with vocalization, the ringing of a bicycle bell or the use of a bicycle horn.

What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

The first thing to do after your bicycling accident is obtain emergency medical assistance.  Dial 911 with your smartphone and wait for the medical technicians to arrive.  You can do a couple things in the meantime to heighten the chances of winning your ensuing personal injury lawsuit.  Use your smartphone to take pictures of the accident scene including your bike, your injuries, the vehicle involved in the accident and the intersection where the crash occurred.

If anyone is in the area, flag them down and record their name, contact information and other details.  The eyewitness testimony of these individuals might prove helpful in your personal injury lawsuit.  Be sure to write down or save the information of the other parties involved in the crash.  Take down the license plate numbers, names, insurance information and make/model of the vehicle(s) involved in the accident.

Elements of a Bicycle Accident Claim

Bicycle accident claims in Midland are centered on proving the negligence of one or several other parties.  Our cyclist at law, Bill Shirer, is here to identify parties who were liable for the accident and pursue justice on your behalf.  Our attorney will engage in negotiations with the negligent party’s insurance representative as well as opposing counsel.

Piecing together the puzzle of justice in a bicycle accident lawsuit is that much easier with a police report.  Reach out to the police after your accident so the crash can be formally documented.  The police officer’s write-up will support your case all the more.  Furthermore, the images you capture with your smartphone will also bolster your case.

Bicycle Accident Statistics in Midland

Bicycle accidents are up throughout the state of Texas.  All in all, more than 800 people passed away as a result of bicycle and pedestrian crashes on the state’s roads in 2020.  Texas had more bicycling deaths than every state in 2019 but for California and Florida.

Best Bike Trails in Midland

Midland is the perfect place to ride a bike as it is sunny, spacious and warm.  Spin your wheels along the Sibley Perimeter Loop and you’ll have a blast.  Other local biking highlights include the Grafa Park Walking Path, the Windlands Park Loop Trail, Beal Park and the Sibley Environmental Learning Center Pond Loop.

Worst Areas for Bike Riding in Midland

Midland roads have the potential to get busy, especially around rush hour.  Steer clear of the intersection of Wadley Avenue and Midland Drive when riding your bike.  Wadley Avenue and Midkiff Road is also quite dangerous for bicyclists.  Bicyclists should also know traffic picks up around Scharbauer and Big Spring during the morning and evening rush hours.

How to Avoid a Bike Accident

You can only do so much to avoid a cycling accident in Midland.  Aside from remaining alert and riding along the right side of the road as far away from automobiles as possible, you can’t do much else to avoid contact with vehicles.  However, it will certainly help to be mindful of the prospect for doors to swing open from parked vehicles.  Furthermore, you can do your part to avoid an accident by wearing clothing with bright colors and using your hand/arm to signal when changing lanes or turning.  Don’t forget to refill your bike tires to the optimal level so you can maneuver through difficult situations on the road with that much more agility.

Contact the Midland Cyclist At Law

The aftermath of a cycling accident will take a toll on your mind and your body.  This is not a time to be self-reliant.  Ask for assistance form Bill Shirer, our proven Cyclist at Law, and you will be empowered to focus on rehabilitating your mind, body and spirit after this life-changing event.  Bill will analyze your unique bike accident case to determine if the facts support the filing of a personal injury lawsuit.

Bill is also here for those who have lost a family member in a cycling accident in Midland, TX or neighboring communities.  Bill will file a wrongful death lawsuit on your behalf with the aim of obtaining financial compensation for burial costs, funeral costs, the loss of care and the loss of income.  Contact our personal injury law office today to get the ball rolling on your case.  You can contact Bill Shirer’s office by phone at 800-887-6188.  You can also reach out to Bill with an email message.