Weatherford Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Our Attorneys Can Help You Get Back Up & Riding After a Bike Accident


Besides taking care of your injuries after a bike accident, you might also have to see about replacing your damaged bike since bike accidents can result in serious and expensive damages to a competitive bike. A bicycle accident attorney in Weatherford from Cyclist at Law can help you receive fair medical compensation as well as compensation for your damaged bike. Even if the bike is insured, your insurance company may not award you with a fair and full amount. Our Weatherford bicycle accident attorney Bill Shirer is here to help you make a full recovery and get you back on the road as soon as possible.

Come to Us If Bike Repair Isn’t an Option

When bicycle accidents involve competitive bikes that have to be replaced rather than repaired, your insurance provider may not be willing to pay the thousands of dollars it may take for a new bike. A bike attorney will go to bat for you and ensure that you are awarded with a fair settlement. Additional benefits of turning to Cyclist at Law to handle your cycle accident claim include:

  • Having someone on your side who is knowledgeable about the laws regarding bike accidents
  • Being able to focus on making a full recovery while a bicycle attorney in Weatherford handles the details of your case
  • Learning more about your rights as a cyclist from a lawyer who is a member of the Texas bicycle community
  • Knowing how best to proceed with your case with the help of a Weatherford bicycle accident attorney

Don’t take any chances when it comes to your legal rights or your bicycle. Turn to a bike attorney for peace of mind and to have the best chance of winning your case

Contact a Representative Today

Bike accidents in Weatherford call for the special touch of a legal expert with a background in bicycle law in Texas. Pick up the phone and call us at 972-392-1249 to get started on your case and to replace your bike.