The Endless Battle: Dealing with Insurance Companies After an Accident
Dealing with Insurance Companies
A cyclist injured by a negligent motorist often faces a twofold situation. They may become injured when a motorist failed to recognize their right to a roadway, causing a collision. As an avid cyclist and experienced personal injury attorney, Attorney Bill Shirer understands the particular circumstances facing the injured cyclist. And as the Cyclist at Law, he provides first-rate legal service to injured bicyclists as a Dallas bike accident attorney.
After a cycling accident, an injured cyclist may face an uphill battle when they approach their insurance carrier, whether for mere bike replacement or for compensation due to their injuries. But more often than not, insurance coverage after an accident is not be as easy as filing a claim.
Fact: Nearly 50,000 people are injured in cycling collisions nationwide every year.
Cyclists may have a more difficult time seeking compensation and may not find it as easy as an injured motorist when dealing with their insurance carrier. One of the reasons for this complication is that many insurance adjusters, like many motorists, fail to understand the rights of the cyclist on a roadway. And because of this, there is sometimes an automatic belief that the cyclist must have done something wrong to cause the cycling accident.
In Texas, a bicyclist shares the same rights and duties as a motorist on the roadway. But just as a cyclist must ride with the flow of traffic, a motorist must provide a safe cushion between their vehicle and a cyclist. Normally, a motorist must provide a cyclist at least three feet of clearance when passing. And as with passing another motor vehicle, a motorist may only pass a cyclist when it is safe to do so.
Intersections are a cause of many accidents with cyclists. Many motorists fail to realize that a cyclist has the right to make a left-hand turn on a roadway, providing that proper hand signals are given and that the cyclist does so safely. Often, a motorist will disregard the hand signals of the cyclist, fail to yield to the cyclist making a left turn, and a collision results.
The injured cyclist must also realize that the insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, not the injured party. The adjuster’s first loyalty is to their company, and saving money for the company by not paying all compensation due can (and often does) happen.
Any injured cyclist having trouble with their insurance carrier after a cycling accident should contact a Dallas bike accident attorney they can count on. For a review of your rights, contact the Cyclist at Law at 800-877-6188 for an honest and free evaluation of your case.