Bicycle Safety Begins With Proper Protection and Education
More and more cyclists are hitting the road these days, and as the numbers continue to rise, it is increasingly important to ensure you are riding safely at all times. Unfortunately, even if you properly practice bicycle safety, it does not mean that drivers or other cyclists will also. The Cyclist at Law wants everyone to understand how important it is to promote proper safety precautions to other cyclists and to drivers as well. You can help reduce the likelihood that you need a Dallas lawyer as the result of a cycling accident that could have been easily avoided.
Protect Yourself, Educate Others
Many cyclists ride in groups. This practice is good for bicycle safety, as it makes it much more likely that drivers will be cautious when they pass the group. This is also a great time to help educate others in your group about safety precautions, such as wearing your helmet, riding defensively, wearing bright clothes and outfitting your bike with the proper lighting. On a recent group ride, a fellow rider taught a neat little trick on how to protect your hands in a fall. The rider had shaped the soles of an old sandal into ovals, and inserted them under his bike gloves. He said it not only added protection in the event of a fall, it reduced the numbness he felt in his hands on longer rides.
Call Us
As a staunch advocate of bicycle safety, I believe you can protect yourself from the dangers of the road through proper measures. If you are in need of a Dallas lawyer, call me, the Cyclist at Law, at 800-877-6188.
Source: The Augusta Chronicle, “Cycling group promotes safety, education,” by Travis Highfield, January 12, 2014